Saturday, April 4, 2009

What Me Worry?

Some of my best and dearest friends are worried. While I try to stay full of good cheer I find myself falling into a state of doom these days over the silliest things. And it doesn't help that bad news constantly surrounds us.

Yesterday, in a wave of optimism, I put a chunk of my meager savings back into the stock market. Today I'm second guessing that decision.

Worry. It does us no good whatsoever.

My favorite teacher, Jesus, says, Don't do it.

One of my favorite poets, Emily Dickinson, says that the experience of worrying is worse than whatever it is we're worried about.

While I was fearing it, it came,
But came with less of fear,
Because that fearing it so long
Had almost made it dear.

There is a fitting a dismay,
A fitting a despair,
T is harder knowing it is due,
Than knowing it is here.