Saturday, April 18, 2009

Oldies Update

When we arrived at Panera's this morning my Oldies were already there. But I immediately noticed that Mrs. Oldie's eye was red. I asked her about it and she told me she had something in it. Maybe an eyelash. But she didn't want to make a fuss.

As I sat across from her I realized that she was distressed. The eye was burning and watering.

So I mentioned to Mr. Oldie that he might want to take her down to the end of the street to the urgent care place.

He wasn't too interested. While he loves and worships her, life is still pretty much about him. Besides, he didn't think he could find the place.

But after another half hour or so I knew she needed attention.

And then guess what?

I looked up and there, across the room, was their ophthalmologist's wife having breakfast. So I went over and asked her opinion. She said "take her to the emergency room."

So I went back to the table. But, then, while I was trying to talk them into going to the ER the ophthalmologist's wife comes over to look at Mrs. Oldie's eye and says:

That doesn't look too bad but I've called my husband. He's across town playing tennis but he'll be here in 30 minutes to look at your eye.

Mrs. Oldie said "Thank you."

Mr. Oldie said, "How much will he charge?" (He was kidding.)

So we left them in her capable hands. Our first stop on our two mile walk was to her hair dresser to break the standing appointment.

When we got home I called Mr. Oldie to find out what happened.

The ophthalmologist arrived at Panera's straight from the tennis court, examined Mrs. Oldie's eye right there at the table where she was eating, applied drops, gave her some medication and sent her home to bed.

We should all be so lucky.
