Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Wrestler

We saw this movie staring Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tormi last night. It was ugly and exhausting. We were drained afterwards and couldn't get it out of our heads.

As you may know, Rourke plays a washed up wrestler. He's also a washed up person, trying to find redemption. Tormi plays the same. Only she's a washed up stripper. Both of these actors were brave in playing these parts, especially Tormi.

For all I know, Rourke may really be this guy in real life. Tormi is not.

But the movie is real. I don't know any wrestlers but I do know people like Ram, Rourke's character. People who, when they finally do get a break, manage to screw it up pretty fast.

Again, the movie is raw, stark and devastating.

I recommend it.
