Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wasn't The Poem Your Favorite Part?

Like millions and millions of others I was glued to the TV for most of the day yesterday. I don't see how things could have gone much better. Even the flubbing of the oath by Justice Roberts was entertaining.

Later, I had to yell at our new president and his wife when they got out of the limo and started walking up Pennsylvania Avenue - for about 7 or 8 minutes.

"Are you crazy? Get back in the car!"

Only four times have poets recited a literary work for the inauguration. The first was Robert Frost who recited a loooong poem for John Kennedy's inaugural.

Elizabeth Alexander's poem yesterday, "Praise Song for the Day," was relatively short. I liked it.

Poems can always be interpreted in different ways. I think this poem was saying, "We're all doing things in our daily lives that can move us along as a people."

Someone is trying to make music somewhere with a pair of wooden spoons on an oil drum with cello, boom box, harmonica, voice.

A farmer considers the changing sky: A teacher says, 'Take out your pencils. Begin.'

We need to find a place where we are safe; We walk into that which we cannot yet see.

President Obama's inauguration speech was challenging. We all need to be a part of repairing our world.

Take out your pencils. Begin.
