Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tortoise Tips

What are the chances that a small group of women having a delightful Christmas lunch in a beautiful country club would discuss tortoises?

Today I told my Power Rangers that my daughter has a 125 pound, 65 year old tortoise. Yes, they live that long and get that big.

This reminded another one of us of the following story.

Did you know tortoises pee when you pick them up?

Last week one of my PRs pulled into the driveway of another and spied a big tortoise in the yard. It needed to be taken back to the lake.

Neither wanted to pick it up because one of them knew about the pee thing.

Just then some nursery guys pulled up to inquire about yard work. No, they didn't need yard work done but "would you guys please carry this tortoise back to the lake?"

Sure enough, when one of the guys picked it up "you know what" happened. Big time.

So you have now been forewarned.
