Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hanging Chads

Everybody in the world knows that Floridians can't vote properly. I've personally been held responsible a couple of times for electing the current occupier of the White House.

Believe me, that's a stretch!

Now I'm kinda enjoying the daily news regarding the Minnesota senate race. If you'll remember, they voted on November 6th with the rest of us.

The votes are still being counted - with no end in sight.

The big race is between Al Franken, the perennial (but former) writer and performer on Saturday Night Live and Norm Coleman, the current senator.

The average person might think "What's the big deal? Just count the votes." But the first count was very close and each additional count brings up a different total.

And there are the problem ballots. We Americans really do know how to mangle a ballot, not to mention the votes cast for Mickey Mouse and other animated rodents.

But it's the American way. The democratic process is messy - at best.

I have every confidence that, eventually, the best man will win.
