Sunday, December 14, 2008

Obsessed With the Weather

Everybody knows that old people are obsessed with the weather. I try not to be but it's hard because my area for temperature comfort is very narrow - and changes quite unexpectedly. (It's called a hot flash.)

On the other hand, I see young people out freezing in bare arms and backless dresses because they didn't check the weather. But I try not to give them advice because of the stereotyping thing.

Now, here I am in the far North where EVERYBODY obsesses over the weather.

This morning I woke up to the beautiful snowfall that was here when I arrived. It warmed up to the 30s and rained so, sadly, many people stayed home from church and missed the magnificent Christmas music. Now the temperature is dropping rapidly and heavy snow is expected over the frozen rain.

Apparently this is hard to drive in - because the TV guys are telling us to stay home. We've cancelled our plans for the evening. It's just as well because it's supposed to be below zero tonight.

I always sleep with my window open when I'm here. Now I'm not sure.

I'm obsessed.
