Friday, October 10, 2008

The Do

You may remember my hair routine. Wash, mousse, brush. Repeat daily.

But on Tuesday my hair was a mess so I dropped into a hair place. While waiting I looked at one of those hair magazines that have names for all the "Do's." The "Stephanie" or the "Rachael," etc.

I asked for a wash, trim and style. As the young lady (20 years old) and I chit chatted I regaled her with my love story, including the fact that I was meeting my Boyfriend at the airport that night.

She got excited and said, "Let me give you a special do!"


So she moussed and sprayed and even put big rollers on my very short hair. It ended up with these long bangs separated off center and plastered down, with the big hair behind that. Nice, but a bit too much for me.

Yesterday morning just before I washed it out and just after looking at my Newsweek magazine I had to finally admit what I had suspected all along.

She gave me a Sarah Palin do.
