Tuesday, October 14, 2008

An Afternoon's Fun for 75 Cents

Since we're trying to watch our pennies like everybody else we decided to check out the discount movie theater close to my house this afternoon. I had not been there since it was transformed after the new state of the art stadium theaters made these older theaters call it quits a few years ago.

What a surprise. The theater has been remodeled, is clean and comfortable. It shows second run movies, i. e., just a little older than first runs. The cost is $1.50 per ticket but on Tuesdays it's 75 cents.

We hadn't planned to see a movie right then but one of the six choices was just starting so we paid our money and walked in.

We saw a movie than neither of us would have chosen to see in any other circumstances.

We saw The Mummy 3, Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.

What fun! I laughed out loud all the way through. The photography was breathtaking. I could see it again with the sound off.

I have no idea who all of these actors are, except for Brendan Frasier, but they were beautiful, had good skin and could withstand multiple killings without getting mussed up.

Maybe we'll go back next Tuesday and see "Hancock" or "Get Smart." At 75 cents it's worth a shot.
