Monday, September 22, 2008

Who Will Get Your Stuff?

We think that our kids want our money when we're gone. While that's probably true for many of us, the experts tell us that it's the little, sentimental things that middle aged kids fight over.

It's that rotary egg beater that your grandma gave you that is likely to cause a family war.

I had a reminder today of how true this is when I read a very sweet but gutsy blog posting from a family member.

So this afternoon I've been pondering (again) about how to label my little - seemingly meaningless but very meaningful to me - heirlooms.

Some experts tell us not to give them to our sons because they won't appreciate them or will hand them over the their wives.

Some experts tell us that - if one child is closer and gives us more attention - give that child the good stuff. (That will show the others a thing or two!)

I know exactly what I want to do. I want to split my meaningful things as evenly as humanly possible between all of my children.

I hope I leave enough money for them to throw a big party together with their spouses, children and (hopefully) grandchildren and roll their eyes about the crazy stuff I left them.
