Friday, September 12, 2008

Street Eats

In our church we have available big plastic bags filled with non perishable healthy (instant) snacks. We're encouraged to put a bag or two in our cars for when we see people (especially street people) who look like they need something to eat. They're called "Street Eats."

My Power Rangers (small group of close, wise, woman friends who are "empowered" in ways you can't imagine) and I have shared stories about how we've occasionally given away Street Eat bags and how clumsy and uncomfortable we've been about it. The scarest part is knowing you might be rejected.

There's a guy who routinely stands off the interstate holding up a sign that says "Will Work for Food." I stopped and gave him a bag but it wasn't the warm fuzzy interchange I had envisioned.

But I guess the point of the Street Eats is not especially for us to feel good.

A couple of days ago one of my P.R.'s told us her latest "Street Eat" story. She saw a woman on the street who was obviously not a street person. But she was out in the hot sun working with 3 little unhappy, crying children.

My friend saw her, drove by, thought about it, turned around, parked her car, got out the "Street Eats," walked over and offered them to the woman saying, "Could you use some snacks for the kids?"

The woman declined saying she HAD snacks for her kids.

I was almost in tears when my friend told this story. Especially when she finished by saying "I guess that's not even what the Street Eats are for."

I disagree, I think that's exactly what they're for.
