Friday, February 17, 2012

Making Amends

A while back I picked up a little murder mystery at the library.  Escapism.  As it turned out it was about a former detective who lost everything due to alcoholism and, in this story, is solving a crime while attending daily AA meetings and trying to stay sober.  At the same time, he's working through his 12 Steps.  Number 8 is "Making Amends." 

This is when you try to - not only apologize - but to make amends - for all of the terrible things you've done.  Not an easy thing to do.  In the novel, step number 8 gets the victim, also a recovering alcoholic,  killed. 

And now, in this morning's paper, conservative columnist, Cal Thomas, writes a column about making amends to Rachel Maddow.  This story has nothing to do with alcoholism but everything to do with seeking forgiveness in this politically heated climate.

Last week, Cal Thomas was on a panel before a crowd of about 1,000 conservatives.  A clip was played of Rachel Maddow commenting on the Catholic contraception issue.  Thomas responded, and I quote:

I think she's the best argument in favor of her parents using contraception...and all the rest of the crowd at MSNBC, too, for that matter.

Cal Thomas, to my knowledge, has always been a gentleman and has, many times, tried to find common ground with the most liberal folks around. 

Thomas continues, The next morning I felt bad about it, so I called Ms. Maddow to apologize.   It wasn't one of those meaningless, 'If I've offended anyone...' apologies; it was heartfelt.  I had embarrassed myself and was a bad example to those who read my column and expect better from me.

Maddow could not have been more gracious...On her show she said publicly, ' I completely believe his apology.  I completely accept his apology.' 

To be forgiven by one you have wronged is a blessing; it's even cleansing. 

All of this is a blessing to me.  Cal Thomas and Rachel Maddow, who've never met, are going to have lunch together soon.  I'm sure they'll find common ground.
