Sunday, February 5, 2012

Germs and Communion

For the last few years part of the communion ritual at my church involves watching the servers squirt antibiotic lotion on their hands.  I love communion.  It's symbolic of - and actually is - a fresh start.  A do-over. 

This morning I was served my wafer, took a bite, then put it down on the altar rail while I received the cup. I thought about picking up the wafer and finishing it but decided, since several hundred folk had already taken communion and prayed at that rail, I wouldn't chance it, germ wise.

I was kind of upset with myself for even thinking about germs at this highly spiritual time. 

But we do think about these things.  A couple of days ago at the gym I hesitated using the drinking fountain.   Then I remembered how, when I was a kid, my friends and I put our entire mouths around the drinking fountain and sucked on it.  Dave says he did the same thing.  I asked him what other gross things he did and the funniest was cleaning golf balls he and his friends found on the green by putting them in their mouths. 

One of the funniest things I did, along with my little brother, was lick the "salt block" that was out in the pasture for the livestock. 

We survived but I don't do that anymore.  I'm grateful that God continues to protect me in other ways.
