Tuesday, November 22, 2011

J. Edgar

The movie "J. Edgar," directed by the great Clint Eastwood, has had mixed reviews.  We saw it on Saturday. 
I understand the mix.
It's long and dry.  No warmth.  But, as far as I can recollect, it's an accurate depiction of our first director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover.  He scared and intimidated all of us for almost 40 years - and that includes all of the presidents he served under. 

We'll have to admit he did some good but, to me, that can't override the harm.

Coincidentally, I'm currently reading "In the Garden of the Beasts," the best selling book by Erik Larson.  It's about the rise of Hitler in Germany.  I'd certainly never before thought about any comparison of Hitler and Hoover but I thought about it a lot while watching the movie.

  • They both hunted down and punished anybody who got in their way - including those in power.
  • They were both paranoid about so called subversives and radicals.
  • They were both self loathing in their personal lives and accused others of the very lifestyles they were actively pursuing.
  • They both liked to dress up.
Both Leonardo DeCaprio and Armie Hammer give powerhouse performances as Hoover and his long time lover, Clyde Tolson.  In the movie, the relationship between these two was loving.  (But I've read over the years that Hoover played out his gay leanings in most unhealthy ways.)

After the movie, over bowls of soup, Dave and I discussed whether or not it's possible for our world wide leaders to be totally full of integrity.  I don't know the answer to that but I hope it's yes.
