Friday, September 30, 2011

This Is Not About The West Memphis Three

Most of you know about The West Memphis Three, the young men who were tried and convicted almost 20 years ago for the brutal murders of three little boys - and then were recently released.

But this isn't about them.  If you want to know more about them look up "West Memphis Three."

This is about what happened to them in prison.  For the first six years they were routinely beaten by other prisoners and guards alike. They've had multiple broken bones.  And they were abused in all sorts of despicable ways that I won't go into.  (Read it on the Web.) 

They've had trouble adjusting to being free.  They haven't seen the sun in 18 years.  Haven't walked without chains, haven't used a fork, (they had to eat with their hands.)

But this isn't about The West Memphis Three.  It's about us. 

I'm ashamed to live in a country that routinely tortures human beings -  In this case, the same ones for decades. 

Just last night I saw another cop show where the cops were threatening a young man by describing, in graphic, sexual ways,  what would happen to him if they decided to send him to prison.

The West Memphis Three are more than likely innocent.  But this isn't about them.  It's about us.
