Saturday, September 10, 2011

Is This The Next Step?

My husband, Ken, used to get upset with me when I tried to get him to use his walker and especially his wheelchair.  They were humiliating for him and, as he explained to me, they weren't temporary.  He was never going to get better. 

They were the next step.

When I met with my Power Rangers this week a couple of us were confessing and/or teasing each other about our forgetfulness.  For instance, I messed up my pill boxes this week.  And I neglected to send an important e-mail.

Is this normal?  Or is it the next step?

This morning we had a lengthy conversation with a man we see from time to time.  Not exactly a friend but somebody I care about.  He's been very ill so I'm especially concerned about him.  I would tell you his name, the moment...

I have no idea what it is!
