Saturday, September 24, 2011

Another Reason Why I Read

A couple of postings back I printed a poem I'd written in 1973 about Playboy magazine.  The underlying reason for choosing that particular poem from the book was my amazement that NBC is putting a series about a Playboy Club on the air. 

I would have liked to have written a posting about all that Playboy was (and was not) in that era, but I don't have the words. 

Then this week's Newsweek arrived with an article by Nora Ephron (one of my favorite writers) saying it for me.  Buy the Newsweek if you want to read it - but I will share three short observations of Ephron's.  They will help you if you insist on watching this new show with the voice over saying ridiculous things like "changing the world, one Bunny at a time."

1.  Trust me, no one wanted to be a Bunny.

2.  A Bunny's life was essentially that of an underpaid waitress forced to wear a tight costume.

3.  Playboy did not change the world.

And, of course, Ephron has some funny things to say about Hugh Heffner himself.  She calls him a whack-a-mole that just keeps popping up.

Thanks, Nora Ephron, for saying so well what I couldn't say at all due to the steam coming out of my ears.
