Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What Are You Doing This Saturday?

By now you've probably heard of Harold Camping and his predictions that the world will end this coming Saturday, May 21st.  His followers have been traveling all over the country practicing spiritual abuse by trying to terrify people into believing him.

Even comic strip Doonesbury has had fun with it this week. 

Campings' people have cancelled their insurance policies, quit their jobs, sold their homes and liquidated their assets.  How are they going to feed their kids on Monday? 

Camping says he's cracked some Indiana Jones type secret code to get this insight.  He did the same thing a few years ago.  As you know, because you're still here, it didn't pan out, but he says this time he has more info. 

It seems crazy that folks would fall for this or even worry about it but it's brought about high anxiety to many, especially those who are already in the dumps for some very specific REAL reasons.  I remember, as a kid, being terrified every year when the evangelist came to town for the tent meetings, predicting the end times on a specific date.  It never happened but every year it scared me.

So here are a few calming suggestions from important people:

Jesus (Matthew 24:36)  We cannot know the day and the hour of the end of all things, for that is a mystery, known only to God.

Martin Luther:  (On what he would do if he knew the world would end tomorrow)  I'd plant a tree today.

Britney Spears:  Keep on dancing till the world ends.

Josh Nelson:  (Lutheran minister)  ...we should dance, work, play, share, give, care - all those things that make this life sweet and beautiful.

And I'll end with my own advice from the book of Deuteronomy  Celebrate Life!
