Friday, May 20, 2011

Does Your First Name End With An "A"

You may think that you're totally up to date on everything.  But if you're female and your first name doesn't end with an "A," you're  kind of out of it.

Recently, the list of top baby names for 2010 was published.   I always wonder how a particular name becomes popular.  They say that baby names are influenced by pop culture, ancestry and religion. If this is true, how does every other mom in the country know to choose the same name? 

Anyway, six out of the top ten girl's names end with an "A."  Why is that?  I have no idea.  But here they are:

  • Isabella
  • Sophia
  • Emma
  • Olivia
  • Ava (my personal favorite)
  • Mia
The top baby boy name was Jacob.  This has been the top baby boy name for several years in a row.

Why?  I have no idea. 
