Friday, May 27, 2011

Cuban Revolution

We had breakfast this morning at Victor's 59 Cafe, at 38th and Grand in Minneapolis.

Quite an experience.  It's a little, tiny Cuban cafe covered with graffiti.  1959 was the year the Cuban Revolution was completed.  Hence the name.  Their food is "Revolutionary."

And yummy.

Guy Fieri from Diners, Drive Ins and Dives was there last year.  You can have some fun if you want to look it up - see the video. 

While we were eating, Dave and I discussed how we felt about the Cuban revolution when it was happening. I was a teenager but very aware of the evil Batista Regime.  Havana was sin city.  Much of it was controlled by the mob.  It was the place to go for a weekend of vice.  Vegas on steroids!

And then these handsome, young revolutionaries emerged from the jungle.  Che Guevara and the Castro brothers, Fidel and Raul.

It wasn't until later that the Cuban people (and we) realized they traded one evil for another.

Right now we're both wishing we hadn't eaten black beans, rice, fried sweet plantains and tortillas covered with creole sauce and topped with fried eggs - just  before going to work out. 

But it was fun.
