Saturday, April 2, 2011

PAUL - The Movie

As I said earlier, our power went out on Wednesday.  Thursday was a pretty miserable day because the weather was awful and it was so dark in our condo that we couldn't even see to walk around.

So we went to the mall, then  to the movies.  When we got home it was noon!!!  All this is my excuse for going back to the movie theater to see "Paul."  We'd seen the preview several times and couldn't imagine anybody seeing it, especially us. But we were desperate.

It's about two nerds from England who go to Area 51 in Nevada and stumble across an alien named Paul.  I don't know the actors who play the two guys or the alien - but I'm sure folks 50 years younger than me do. 

The movie is silly and if you're offended by really, really bad language, pot smoking and gentle gay jokes don't see it.

But I liked it.  Despite all of the above, it is a sweet, loving movie with excellent values.  I'll go so far as to say that Paul becomes somewhat of a Christ figure toward the end by risking his life to save a person. (Can't say "another person" because Paul isn't human.) Despite being totally gross and silly, the dialogue is clever. 

While I didn't know the main actors, I did recognize two SNL performers.  And Jason Bateman is terrific.  Blythe Danner (Gwyneth Paldtrow's mom) is terrific.  As is Sigourney Weaver who plays the only bad guy. 

And I learned something.  I did not know the definition of the word "Fanboy."  So I looked it up.

Fanboy - Young (teenage to 20s) passionate fan of various elements of geek culture.  

So there you go.  "Paul" broadened my education.
