Friday, April 1, 2011

Mrs. Justin Bieber

Have you been reading about the 20 inch long, pencil thin Egyptian cobra that went missing from the Bronx Zoo?  They eventually found the snake close by, hiding in a pile of wood shavings in the reptile house.

But during the short escape the snake opened, among other things, a twitter account.  Following are some of her tweets.

Don't even talk to me until I've had my morning coffee.  Seriously, don't.  I'm venomous.

Yesterday was the Yankee's opening game.  Apparently the snake was spotted taking a bicycle taxi to the stadium. She sent the following tweet.

If you see a bag of peanuts inexplicably moving along the ground at Yankee Stadium today.  Just ignore it.  It's probably nothing.

The snake has no name and this is a problem.

Funny how all the cute animals like pandas get names.  It is clearly just another case of notcuteenoughism.

I'm a girl cobra.  If I could choose a name?  Mrs. Justin Bieber.
