Friday, April 8, 2011

Casey Anthony Influence

Every day Dave comments on the daily local Casey Anthony news coverage.  He doesn't get it - and I can't explain it to him.  And he wasn't even here in the beginning when reporters and others from all over the world were camped out in the Anthony's front yard for several months.

What are the significant elements for news?  1. An attractive, young, white mother with long hair accused of killing her beautiful, white toddler.  2.  Her attractive, white but strange parents -although they may not be any stranger than the rest of us.  We just know everything about them.  I don't know if I could stand up that kind of scrutiny.

Casey has groupies all over the world.  As you know, there is a Casey groupie inmate in a men's prison who has even tried to have one of her attorneys removed.

Of course, it's very, very sad that the hundreds of other little ones who lose their lives at the hands of family members don't merit this meticulous attention. 

The other day I read a list of items Casey had bought from the prison commissary.  Along with Jolly Rogers and pony tail holders, she paid about seven dollars for volumizing shampoo and conditioner. 

My hair could use some volumizing so yesterday while I was in Walgreen's I bought some for myself. 

I hope this doesn't mean that Casey is influencing even me.
