Friday, April 1, 2011

Haves and Have Nots

On Wednesday we had stormy weather with high winds.  The power went out.  Dave was locked out of the condo because the garage door wouldn't  open so I quick drove home to let him in.  Then we spent the rest of the daylight hours picking up tree limbs with our neighbors.  Lots of laughing and gratitude that things weren't worse. 

Three days later our next door neighbor and others on the block are livid.  We still have no power.  Across the street they have power.  We can look into their air conditioned living rooms and see them watching TV on their flat screens.  Their street lights are on.  It's cheery over there.

Dave and I have kept our sense of humor.  Yesterday we saw two movies.  Here's a clue as to how desperate we were.  We saw "Paul."  I'll review "Paul" for you another time - when I'm not plugged into Parena's Wi-Fi.

Today is the cut off for the contents of the fridge.  It all goes.  Thank goodness we have only about four items in there.

The only serious thing going on with me is the flash backs to 2004 when my husband, Ken, died at home in the middle of Hurricane Charley. 

The fact is, we live in Central Florida, the lightening capital of the world.  Some of our neighbors say we live in the 3rd World section of our condo community.  But they're just teasing.  Many of us know very well what the 3rd World is like - and this isn't it.

We're well aware of how fortunate we are.  However, we may check into a motel this afternoon.  Because I think the folks in Central Florida would appreciate it if we had a shower.
