Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Ethicist Says Goodbye

You already know that I love the New York Times Sunday Magazine.  After reading it himself, My Mr. Oldie used to hand it over to me on a timely basis.  For the last couple of years I've been getting the magazines from the library. 

By the way, the price for magazines at the library has gone up from 10 cents to 25 cents.  That's a one hundred and fifty percent increase, but I'm not complaining. 

So I'm probably the last to know that, after writing his excellent advice column for  12 years, The Ethicist has retired. 

So now how are we to know:

- If it's OK to sneak our own popcorn into the movies.

- If  I should tell my observant Jewish brother-in-law that the food he's about to eat isn't kosher.

- If it's OK to move to the closer, higher priced empty seats at intermission.

- If I can load up on fancy hotel soaps and shampoos even if I'm giving them to the homeless.

- If I should tell my friend I saw her husband having lunch with a blond.

But the thing is, if we have integrity, we pretty much know the answers for ourselves.  On the other hand, as former The Ethicist columnist Randy Cohen says,

Ethics is a subject about which honorable people may differ.  

So thanks, Randy Cohen, for 12 years of thoughtful, sometimes funny and always humble sharing.  I feel kinda bad that I never subscribed to The New York Times and read your columns the legitimate way.  I guess that would have made a good subject for the "The Ethicist."
