Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jimmy Blue Eyes

Maureen Dowd's column this morning deals with blue eyed white guys. Over the centuries we've thought that they get all the breaks. But they also get blamed for the problems of the world.

When I was a kid I had a friend named Jimmy who had beautiful blue eyes. He got teased a lot. His nick name was "Jimmy Blue Eyes." I wonder whatever happened to him. I wonder if his eye color was a help or hindrance.

As Maureen quoted this morning, Paul Newman once predicted his epitaph:

Here lies Paul Newman, who died a failure because his eyes turned brown.

He was teasing and, of course, it didn't happen - but he knew the silly power of his baby blues.

Jesus is often depicted with light hair and blue eyes. When he lived on this earth he was a Jew who was born and lived in the middle east. He almost certainly had to be a dark skinned, dark eyed man. But to describe God's physical features is to diminish our concept of God. It's frivolous.

Just as it's frivolous to think that blue eyed, blond, tall males should rule the world.

But let's not hate them just because they have dreamy looks.
