Saturday, March 28, 2009

Strengths and Weaknesses

There's a continuing battle going on in Texas on how (actually "if") evolution should be taught in the school system. Actually this battle continues in several other states as well, including mine.

The term "strengths and weaknesses" seems innocent but it's the term that keeps coming around as a way to dilute the theory of evolution. It influences how science is taught.

The world wide scientific consensus is that the theory of evolution has no weaknesses. Texas state board of education chairman, Day McLeroy, a self described creationist, says "Scientific consensus means nothing."

Why should you care if you don't live in Texas? Because Texas is where the school books for the nation are published and the state of Texas is their biggest customer.

Why should you care if you don't have children? Because we live in a global village where the United States must continue to produce scientists who can compete with - and work with - the rest of the scientific community.

I certainly don't believe that learning about the universe keeps me from God. In fact, it brings me closer to God.
