Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oldies Update

We're still seeing my Oldies at least a couple of times a week. The memory loss is still acute but their sense of humor and ability to be on the go are as strong as ever.

Mr. Oldie is still ordering his two fried eggs at Panera's. But last Saturday the cook came out and very apologetically told him that it was impossible because the line for breakfast was out the door. Mr. Oldie graciously acquiesced.

And Mrs. Oldie (who weighs about 100 lbs. soaking wet) is still wearing her Chanel suits.

As you know, on Saturday mornings she gets escorted from the restaurant, across the street to have her hair done. When I do it we hold hands for safety.

This past Saturday my boyfriend did it. He held her hand as well. When they entered the salon my boyfriend announced to the hair dresser that he was HER new boyfriend.

Without missing a beat Mrs. Oldie said, "Yes, I think I need a younger man."

Don't tell Mr. Oldie they shared this little joke. It would make him sad. He lives and breathes for her.
