Sunday, November 30, 2008

Deliriously Hopeful

I've been part of a study at my church for a few weeks. It will be finished on Wednesday evening. The author of the book we're using will be there with us for this final session. I think this is very cool. He's someone I admire and respect.

The title of the last chapter of the book we're using is "Deliriously Hopeful."

Today is the beginning of Advent (the weeks leading to Christmas.) It's a time when we're supposed to be Deliriously Hopeful.

My niece and others that I know (and don't know) are at crossroads in their lives. Now's the time to be Deliriously Hopeful.

Last Wednesday my Power Rangers went to lunch to celebrate one of our birthdays. The BDG (birthday girl) is younger than me. In 2007 she had two entirely unrelated bouts with cancer. 2008 has been all clear. I suspect that her attitude for 2009 is Deliriously Hopeful.

I love Christmas. I love Advent. I'm Deliriously Hopeful.

