Monday, November 24, 2008

Smoke Gets in My Eyes

AMC's popular series "Mad Men" features some great looking men. I've never seen the series but I like John Slattery's looks. I'd let my hair go white if I thought it would look like his.

"Mad Men" also features smoking.

They've had to let the public know that , no, it's not tobacco the actors are smoking. They're smoking herbs. But they're pretending to smoke tobacco to but true to the pre 1970s era.

Back then everybody smoked. They smoked in restaurants and movie theaters and at work. All smoking all the time.

Once, years ago, when my son was hospitalized in North Carolina while we were on vacation, they let our family eat in the doctor's dining room. It was blue with smoke. When the doctor met with us in his office he chained smoked.

This week I watched two absolutely wonderful old movies on TCM. "To Have or Have Not" with Humphrey Bogart and Loren Bacall in her very first roll. It's worth watching the movie just to see her do her little jiggy dance at the end. But the whole movie is good. Lots of similarities to "Casablanca."

But an interesting aside is that they both chain smoked during the entire movie.

Last night on PBS I watched "Laura" with Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews and the great Clifton Webb. Also an excellent movie. But Dana and Clifton never put the cigarettes down. Gene, playing Laura, was dead for most of the movie so I don't remember her smoking so much.

I found the smoking distracting and disgusting in both movies.

I grew up in a family where everybody smoked. They smoked while they were cooking and during meals. I remember wanting to crawl up into my dad's lap but being repelled by the constant cigarette smoking.

I never tried it - and I'm so happy that I now live in a smoke-free world.
