Friday, March 7, 2014

The Catfish Place

Apopka is a small, very old, town about 15 miles straight west of where we live.  Of course it's grown over the years but still has a small town look and still has crazy small town politics.  The mayor, for instance, is well into his 90s and will probably win re-election - again.

The very best thing in Apopka, as far as I'm concerned, is The Catfish Place.  It's been there forever. It's always been wildly popular.  It used to be tiny but has been enlarged and remodeled.  It still retains it's old, redneck looking, flavor.

We go to The Catfish Place once every three years or so.  Can't go more often because I go crazy when I'm there.  Crazy eating that is.  I always order the same thing.  Fingerling Catfish.  That's the whole catfish.  Five of them.  Fried.  With hush puppies.

Yesterday we had a great time eating with friends.

By the way, I'd seen my friend earlier working out on the dreaded elliptical at the gym  and said to her, "Getting ready for the catfish are we?"

We first ordered fried okra and fried green tomatoes for the table.  It would be impossible to tell you how good this food is.  I ate all five fish, plus baked potato and salad.  Dave had fried oysters.

Everything at The Catfish Place is delicious and inexpensive.  They do have a few items that are not fried.  Don't order those.  Go fried or stay home.

Dave and I dropped off our friends, came home and had tall glasses of Alka Selzer.  We'll resume our healthy eating today.
