Thursday, March 6, 2014

Scott Peck - Truth Teller

Do you remember Scott Peck?  He died in 2005.  For several decades he was an extremely popular psychiatrist, controversial Christian, and best selling author.  His most famous book and the first one I read was "The Road Less Traveled," written in 1978.

He had me with the first sentence, "Life is difficult."

As a person whose early childhood was somewhat the equivalent of being raised by wolves, I learned about life from reading books.  Good books.  Great books. For many years Scott Peck was my truth teller.  Toward the end, in my mind, he got a little squirrely but I forgive him for that.

I've just finished re-reading Scott Peck's book about evil called "People of the Lie" which he wrote in 1983.   It's powerful.  It deals mostly with those of us who refuse to accept the truth about ourselves.  He says:

People who are evil attack others rather than face their own truth.

He also came on strong about telling our children the truth.  I tried my best to do that with my kids.  Still do.

Here are the four things that Scott Peck said we need to do in order to be morally, spiritually and emotionally healthily.

Be dedicated to the truth
Delay gratification
Accept responsibility
Live a balanced life

I think this holds up pretty well today.
