Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Manly Game of Cribbage

Tough guys playing cribbage
Mr. Toby Crackit swept up his winnings (at cribbage) and crammed them into his waist-coat pocket.  - From "Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens

During the summer, several evenings a week, around 5 P.M., you can usually find Dave and me sitting at the kitchen table listening to smooth jazz and playing a couple of games of cribbage.  Cribbage is a tough game. And it's traditionally been a man's game.  Dave's played his whole life but I'm a latecomer.  However, it didn't take me long to get addicted.

Cribbage is old!  "Oliver Twist" was first published in 1838 but cribbage was invented by an Englishman in the 1600s.  It has some things in common with bridge and poker, neither of which I play.  Actually I think I'm too old to learn to be a good bridge player.  It took me weeks to learn cribbage.  Lots of counting and lots of rules.
Our standard cribbage board

There's a style of playing called Muggins.  It's kind of a "cut throat" style.  Dave and I prefer to play the "Gentleman's game."

Fancy (but manly) cribbage boards
Cribbage was at one time the "official game" of American submariners. That makes sense.  It's a mind game.  I don't think it could keep me from going bonkers on a submarine but I'm sure it helped some sailors.

Cribbage is a card game.  Some folks think the board is involved in how you play it.  But the board is simply for keeping score.

There are all kinds of fancy boards.  Dave had one made of ivory with  intricate scrimshaw carvings.  Now we just use the regular board..

More tough guys playing cribbage
You may remember that, in a M.A.S.H. episode, (that originally ran about 35 years ago)  the super wealthy and snooty surgeon, Charles Emerson Winchester III was shipped off from Tokyo to the 4077th M.A.S.H. because he beat a Colonel out of $600 playing cribbage.

So here's a word of advice.  Don't play cribbage for money.  Especially if you play with Dave.
