Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Civility In Times of Stress

It's my opinion that there's no excuse for rudeness.  Either privately or publicly.  We can get the job done without it.

Here are two examples from our very interesting day, yesterday.  Which, by the way, was my birthday.

We'd planned to have a birthday dinner with friends in Amelia Island but ended up sick and in Emergency Care.  Actually Dave had a fever and that scared me a bit.

Example # 1.  We had an 11:30 AM appointment at the clinic.  I had filled out the paperwork on line to save time.  But, of course, when we arrived, the (surly) young lady at intake needed our driver's licenses and insurance cards.  About 40 minutes later she said to Dave, "where are your cards?"

"I gave them to you."

"No you didn't"

"Maybe you put them in someone else's file."

This was the only time this woman made eye contact with us.  And it was a wide eyed glare.

After another hour, she, along with another really sweet woman, having searched everywhere, and trying to play back the surveillance cameras to show that Dave hadn't given her the cards, gave up.

But, yes they would still let us see the doctor.

But then, guess what?  She found the cards.  And guess where?  In someone else's file.

Did she apologize or even speak to us or even make eye contact after all this?  You know the answer.

The other woman couldn't have been nicer, apologized profusely and talked with us throughout the entire fiasco.  By the way, Dave and I were as sweet as pie during the process, even when she insinuated Dave might be senile.

Example #2.  While we sat in the waiting room we chatted with a young, uniformed police officer.  After a while our conversation turned to the Connecticut tragedy.  This young policeman then told us that he and other officers had been assigned to patrol the local schools these last few days since the tragedy.  But a sad thing was happening at the high school.  The kids are taunting the police.  Calling them pigs ....and worse.

Maybe they think these officers are trying to catch them with drugs or doing something else wrong, rather than the real reason - to protect them from becoming victims.

Whatever is going on, there's no excuse for rudeness.
