Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Simple Life

When Dave and I were taking our two mile walk today we got to talking about money and lifestyles. Fortunately we both have the same philosophy. We like living a simple life and not having more than we need - but having fun and giving generously.

And, as you know, I'm a big tipper.

To me, it's all about living a balanced life.

Last week I read yet another story about a woman who lived frugally her whole life, died at the age of 100 and left 7 million dollars to her college. In some ways it seems like a sad story. She never married, never had children, never had a car, bought her clothes at rummage sales and worked all of her adult life.

The money came about because of a $180 stock purchase she made in 1936. (Guess this proves out the buy and hold philosophy of investing.)

Dave and I don't want to be squirrely about this simple life. We just want to be sensible and responsible people. With that in mind we're taking off in a couple of weeks on a extended belated honeymoon. We're sailing from Ft. Lauderdale to Portugal, Spain, Monaco and Italy.

But don't worry. We won't do anything wild and crazy.
