Thursday, December 1, 2016

Sanity Saving Poems

A couple of days ago I was talking with a neighbor who was having difficulty communicating with her husband.  She said he's too busy for her.  He's "out saving the world."  When that happened with my husband, Ken, I sometimes wrote a poem about it.


You were hours late for dinner
The egg rolls I had worked on all afternoon,
     Were limp.
Contrasting my rigid demeanor.

Our dinner guest,
A psychiatrist,
Seemed bemused,
And appeared to be 
Mentally taking notes,
On the unfolding of this,
All to frequent,
Domestic drama.

I remained calm
Throughout the description,
Of your last minute gallant efforts
To save a public official's job.

But the part about rescuing,
The man in the wheelchair,
Trapped in the revolving door,
Was just too much!

Why can't you ever,
Just stop off
For a few drinks,
Like a normal person?

Cecily Crossman
