Thursday, October 13, 2016

Hurricane Matthew is Finally Over

Most of Florida seriously dodged a bullet last week.

The very worst part for us was losing power from last Thursday night to late Sunday afternoon.  It caused discomfort and serious boredom what with living in a hot, dark, silent house.  Not to mention loss of showering.

Our minister told a story on Sunday that helped me immensely.  He flew into town from Chicago last Thursday and thought he'd better fill his truck with gas.  He visited a few stations.  No gas.  Then found a Wawa that was still pumping.  Only the line was around the building and down the street.  He got in line - and waited.  When he got to the pump he had his daughter get out and pump fast so as to not hold up the line behind them.  (He is recovering from foot surgery so is on crutches.)  When she finished he tried to start the car.  No dice.  It was dead.  

Then he went on the preach his sermon on Naomi and Ruth.  This is a story about getting through really hard times.

In the end he went back to his own story.  So he and his daughter are sitting at the pump unable to move the car.  Will those behind him emerge from their cars with pitchforks and torches?  No.  Folks emerged to push the car to another spot.  AAA arrived in 15 minutes, installed a new battery, and they were on their way. 

Wow, That story helped me.  It's tough when things go wrong and you have no idea how or when they'll get right again.

But they almost always do get right again.
