Saturday, October 22, 2016

Hard to Get There

Cartoon from this week's New Yorker
Decades ago, when I lived in Fort Lauderdale, there was a popular restaurant that everybody raved about.  But the thing was, you had to drive a long way on a dirt road then board a little barge that carried 20 people, to an island where this ramshackle restaurant awaited us.  We lined up on the pier and waited, both coming and going.  We all thought it was great and when friends came to town, that's where we took them.

A while back I told you about the restaurant in upstate New York that has an eight year waiting list.  People fly over from Europe, then find transportation for the two and a half hour trip to Damon Baehrel.  (That's the the name of both the restaurant and the chef.)  There are restaurants all over the world that are famous for being hard to find.

And don't get me started on destination weddings.

Seriously, what's wrong with us?
