Thursday, July 30, 2015

Working Together For Good

This is the cover of this week's Time Magazine.  Even with all the hoopla going on about the extraordinary number of presidential candidates out there,  the brother of one of these guys or the wife of the other, will most likely be their party's nominee, and, consequently, the next president of the United States.

So, in our overheated, ratcheted up society, they should hate each other, right?


George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who were first brought together by the elder President Bush, are still working together on some extremely important issues.  They're still treating each other with respect.  For instance, this year Bush, Clinton and the LBJ and Bush libraries created a leadership-training program for 60 mid-career private and public officials.  They're also still getting together socially.  When they were at the NCAA basketball finals last year, the crowds cheered like crazy.

I think Bill Clinton, in this article  by Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy, says it best for all of us who truly want to be a part of making this world a better place...

I do believe that people yearn to see us both argue and agree.  And they know in their gut, they gotta know, that all these conflicts just for the sake of conflict are bad for America and not good for the world.
