Monday, September 29, 2014

Our New iPhones

Dave and I have needed new phones for a while.  But we were afraid.  So afraid.

What should we buy?  Where should we buy it?  How does this system work?

We finally dove in.  We asked friends and relatives.  We shopped for plans and phones.  Dave's son was especially helpful, a combination of patience and expertise.

Finally we went to the Apple store and talked to a an older lady "genius."  She told us exactly what to buy.  We wrote it down.

Never, ever, in a thousand years, did we think we'd be in an Apple Store the first day new products were sold but, on September 19th, the day the iPhone 6 rolled out, we went back to the Apple Store, bypassed the block long line, and got our iPhones 4s.  Why that day?  They were a super bargain.  Apple quit selling them at midnight that night.

We bought only what we had on the list (covers, Apple Care, etc.) then - because the crowds and noise level were horrendous - we took our new phones to ATT for the rest of the work of switching over.

I love my new phone.  Dave's getting used to his.  He has successfully sent two texts so far.  
