Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Communion on the Net

We had a good discussion last week in Forum.  We talked about communion or, as some call it, the eucharist.

I can hear you yawning.

OK, here's the thing.  Communion is a big deal in all Christian denominations.  It comes from Jesus having his last meal in the Upper Room and telling his disciples to drink..."this is my blood."  And eat..."this is my body."

Some churches are very strict, like the Roman Catholics who believe that the bread and wine, after they are blessed, are actually the body and blood of Christ.  This is the most important of the seven Catholic sacraments and a very big deal.  Very sacred and done with great care and ritual.  I have respect for this tradition.

So what did we discuss in Forum?  A Methodist church in North Carolina is starting a "virtual campus" and wants to serve communion "virtually."  As in, "You get your own crackers and Grape Nehi and let's have communion over the Internet."

The College of Bishops has said "no way" and has put a moratorium on sacraments on line.

The minister at this local church has said that, traditionally, the only way his parishioners can receive communion is to be in the physical church between 9 and 11 am on a Sunday morning...."and this is no longer a good business model."

The bishops have said online communion is "irregular, experimental and abnormal."

What do I think?

Communion is extremely meaningful to me.  I want to take it with other people, all in various stages of relationship with themselves, each other and God.  My ministers always invite every person who desires to have a relationship with Christ to come to the table.   You don't have to be a member of our church - or any church.  I like that.

But, some day, I may no longer be able to get to church on a regular basis.  So I think I'd like the option of a "virtual campus."

But, whatever I think, this train is coming down the track so we older folks - instead of clicking our tongues at those young people who are experiencing God in all sorts of virtual venues - better get out of the way.
