Friday, July 8, 2011

If We Knew We Couldn't Take It

Have you ever wanted to know the future?  I haven't.  Sometimes when we're attending weddings Dave will say, "It's a good thing they don't know what lies before them."  He's not being negative.  It's just that, if we knew, we'd worry about the bad stuff and that would keep us from enjoying the good.

Because life is a combination of joy and sorrow and all that lies in between. 

I just recently came into possession of this photo of my mother.  She was a very young teenager at the time.

She looks happy and mischievous.  What's that furry thing she's wearing?  What is she thinking?

We know this:  She became a writer, married, had children and died at a young age. 

It's a good thing she didn't know all of this when the photo was taken. 
