Thursday, February 10, 2011

More In Defense of the Elderly

Yesterday I saw yet another article in the paper that described a person in his 60s as "elderly."  Generally speaking, the term "Elderly" refers to people age 60 to death. 

How ridiculous!

Do we put new born babies and 30 year olds in the same age group?  Do we market to them in the same way?  Of course not.  Then why do we think 60 year olds and 90 year olds can be lumped together?

A while back I saw the following grouping for seniors.  I like it.

Ages 60 - 74    Young Seniors
Ages 75 - 85    Middle Seniors
Ages 86 -         Elderly Seniors

This would be such a smart way for companies to target their merchandise.  In my experience, young seniors spend lots of money on things like sports equipment, technology, learning, travel and entertainment.

But you can't  always go by age.  Some 80 year olds are out every day working at Meals on Wheels, serving "old people."

And some 80 year olds might beat the crap out of you if you called them "elderly."  Take Clint Eastwood or Betty White, for instance.

Another 80 something is the world's wealthiest and hardest working man, Warren Buffet.  I could go on but you get the idea.

Some folks turning 60 this year are Mark Harmon, Suze Orman, Tommy Helfiger, and Arianna Huffington.  They're going to be so sad to learn that they're elderly.
