Friday, February 4, 2011

Blue Valentine

We saw this highly acclaimed movie a couple of nights ago. Ryan Gosling is an amazing actor, as is Michelle Williams. As you most likely know, they play a couple who's marriage is falling apart.

OK, here are a couple of warnings. This movie is not easy to watch. It's painful and raw and then it's over. The explicit sex scenes are painful and raw and I thought they'd never be over.

The only sweet, funny scene is early on when they're on the street singing and tap dancing. But it's ominous.

You Always Hurt the One You Love.

I've read several reviews. Every one of them says it's an excellent movie about a marriage unraveling. And, of course, it is. One reviewer says they're just like you and me falling out of love.

But it's way more than that. It's about two decent but seriously wounded and scarred human beings. I don't see how either of their lives can move forward until they experience healing.

I say, no, they're not like you and me but I've known a few people like them. They're so individually scarred that they can't function well with anybody, including each other. They need a healthy community's comfort and healing.

But I guess in that sense they are like us.
