Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Pleasant Surprise

This morning I was looking through old diaries and journals for some "profound" thing I'd written several years ago.

As you might imagine, I have volumes. At times, writing has kept me sane. Literally.

A few years back, when I was going through a particularly rough patch which included days of not sleeping, my good friend (who, by the way, is much more creative than I am) gave me an "Insomnia Journal." It's mostly blank pages but some of them have hints about treating insomnia.

As I thumbed through it this morning I noticed that my friend had written very funny and sweet responses to some of these words of wisdom.

For instance, in the notes on Tryptophan, a natural sedative, the book suggests warm milk, turkey and scrambled eggs. My friend had added: Best - a turkey leg floating in warm milk. That created such a funny picture in my mind that I laughed out loud.

On another page the book suggests childhood comfort foods. She added: Buttermilk over potato chips in a glass works for me!

When I was a child my bedtime treat was bread chunks in a glass of milk and sugar. It was good but it didn't help me sleep.

Finding the journal this morning was a sweet reminder of how friends can help us through anything.

And, yes, I found the notes I was looking for. They were in the last place I looked.
