Saturday, May 8, 2010

Little Old Ladies Are Cool

Last week our Sunday school class was led by my friend JoAnn. She's almost as old as my Oldies.

She's the one who led the class the Sunday after 9/11.

Why is this little old lady leading us at such a tragic and important time? - I could almost hear some people saying.

They soon learned that she spent her productive years in the Foreign Service with her husband, and is quite an expert on the middle east. She lived in Baghdad. She amerced herself in the culture. She speaks Arabic. She was the perfect person to lead us on that sad morning in 2001.

And now this past Sunday she led a discussion on the book "The Evolution of God" by Robert Wright. He's a big thinker. He raises uncomfortable questions.

Much of the discussion was on "Moral Imagination."

...hatred blocks comprehension by cramping our "moral imaginations," or our capacity to put ourselves in the shoes of another person. It's good for friends and family, but bad for rivals and enemies.


I want to be like JoAnn when I grow up.
