Saturday, May 1, 2010

I Like My Wrinkles

When I saw the dermatologist a few weeks ago he saw a little growth on my face he wanted to remove but allowed as how he didn't want me to have a black eye on my cruise so it could wait.

Don't really know how he picked out just one thing because I have a face full of crooks and crannies.

I have no intention of having them fixed unless, of course, they're dangerous. Although I feel sure that many of my family members and friends have. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just that I'm comfortable with mine.

My understanding is that when you have a series of surgeries you have to finally state what permanent expression you want (happy, surprised, etc.) then after all the cutting, pulling, stitching, bruising, swelling, and scabbing finally heal - that's the one you'll be stuck with.

Unlike one of my favorite writers, Nora Ephron, I will never write a book titled "I Feel Bad About My Neck." My neck has gone from straightforward up and down to a complication of hills and valleys - but I like it.

Yes, I do use creams. You can buy Carita's Diamant De Beaute for $600 per 1.69 ounce or pay around $20 for Olay. That's what I used to use but now I pretty much use the Walgreen's version. It seems to work about the same.

Besides, death is the only permanent cure for wrinkles.

But we all know that, in a pinch, Preparation H is a temporary fix.
