Monday, May 31, 2010

Getting Sensitized

There are a number of things about which I no longer have to be sensitized. I'm already "green." I'm all about helping powerless people - and so on. But once in a while I hear something so powerful that I say to myself, "Yes, I finally get it."

Yesterday the minister at Dave's church had some good examples of how he became sensitized to the importance of caring for all of God's creatures.

He once knew a man who was concerned about the ethical treatment of animals. The man got caught up in presenting a court case against those guys at the carnival who give away those little baggies of gold fish.

It turns out that up to 90% of the bagged gold fish don't make it home alive.

Now the minister didn't say this but he intimated that he thought that giving a significant portion of your time and passion to this project is, well, nuts.

But then years later he visited a very contemporary art show in England. One exhibit presented a blender full of water and gold fish. The essence of the art was to see whether or not the persons walking by would turn on the blender.

This is wrong o n so many levels.

Last week this same minister unavoidably hit a deer with his car. This was years after the gold fish incidents so he's a very sensitive person in this area. Severely injuring the deer was traumatizing for him.

All this got to the gulf coast oil issue.

Besides being scared out of our wits for our own future, are we being sensitive to the pain and suffering to many of God's creatures (including humans) that's going on right now?
