Monday, April 6, 2020

Separation Anxiety - It's Not Just for Kids Anymore

After my posting about my son wearing his baby in a Baby Bjorn my niece sent me the book, Separation Anxiety by Laura Zigman.  I started it yesterday.  In the book the main character, Judy, in order to quiet her considerable anxieties, wears her dog.

At this particular time in history,  I think we all can relate.

Already, after reading only a couple of chapters, I have discovered a new, helpful, term.  The fictitious Judy writes for an online magazine called Well/er.  Following is the magazine's concept:

Well/er believes in tiny incremental gains in physical and emotional wellness instead of big ambitious ones.  Hence Well/er not Well.  DOING JUST ENOUGH IS ENOUGH TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

Then, this morning, syndicated columnist' Leonard Pitts wrote a piece called Making peace with quarantine.  In it he writes about the difference between Easy and Easier.  He's an introvert so he knew it would be easier for him than others to separate, but he's forced to truly miss the personal contacts all of us need to stay sane.   He concludes his column with the following: I thought this would be easier for me than for many of you - and it is.  But it turns out "easier" and "easy" are two entirely different things.  

So,  I'm trying to be "Well-er" and experience "Easier" in a more realistic, grateful way.
