Sunday, March 29, 2020

Use What You Got

My son used to look way younger than he was.  It caused some issues with his career.  For years he was compared to Doogie Houser.  But, like Doogie, he was good at what he did.

About 15 years ago, he went to South Florida to consult with a large retail store about how they could increase sales.  He took his family with him.

Early in the day he took his baby for a walk - and then decided he'd go by this store.

So in walks this guy, wearing a front facing, occupied Baby Bjorn,  baggy jeans and tee shirt.    He's in his early 30s but looks like a dorky, bad decision making, 16 year old.  He goes directly to the baby department to look at cribs and other big ticket baby items.  But the sales people would not give him the time of day.

That afternoon, properly dressed, he had his meeting with this store's executives.  And, of course, he shared his shopping experience that took place earlier in the day.

I remember this story today because I think it's a lesson for us at this time to be proactive in our care for others.  For us older and (hopefully) wiser folks who've survived our share of tragedies, we need to first, stay home, but be calm and kind, even if we seem weird, when the people around us are freaking out and doing crazy stuff.

In other words, use what we got!

Did I say that my son was "wearing" his baby?
